Ten Things I Wish I Knew Before Becoming A Nanny

10 Things I wish I knew before becoming a nanny
If they work they won’t come home on time. If they are decent ppl they will call/text to let you know.
It’s more physical than you would think. It can be very difficult if you’ve hurt yourself. The kids constantly want to be picked up and because they are little they often arent mindful of injuries.
Requesting days off aren’t easy and you risk being guilted by a parent that has to go to work or simply doesn’t want to be bothered with the kids.
The kids will always be on your mind. I definitely think about my kids on the weekends. Did they sleep ok? If I am on vacation I wonder how their school days are going.
You may often feel overworked, unappreciated, and sometimes even used. Working 50+ hours a week, 10 hour days can be draining and can start to take a toll on you.
If you start doing it out of the kindness of your heart (you know just to help out) no matter what it is they will expect you to keep doing it.
They will add additional tasks but won’t extend a raise.
Some parents don’t understand the difference between childcare and housekeeping.
You will get more emotionally attached to the kids than you may expect
You can spend all your time and put your heart and soul into caring for these people’s children only for them to still be inconsiderate jerks.