Let it out, Girl and add a new confession.


MB isn't strict about a lot but she is definitely strict about the childrens' bedtime.


The 5 year old little girl I care for is in so many activities. It's all because her mom is trying to keep up with the other moms. Just let her be a kid!


MB pissed me off so I let her 2 year old have a late nap and didn't tell her.


MB is such a bitch! 


I'm a Christian (not one of those crazy ones either bc I know they exist) and MB is also. The problem is DB he is atheist. There is a constant tug of war! Eek, what did I get myself into?


MB has been on a girls trip for a week. Can't wait for her to come back! We are lost without her. 


MB will cry at the drop of a dime. Frankly it is annoying. 


I am an Au Pair from Columbia and I absolutely hate America. 


Whoooo the moms are going to be PISSED when they get ahold of this site. The funny thing is the one's that come to post their snarky comments, the grammar police, the ones that have SO MUCH to say- by doing so they clearly identify themselves as the perpetrators.


I am not a personal assistant nor am I a household manager. We initially agreed to my doing only child related tasks. Mom is constantly asking me to do things that are not related to the children. 
